Saturday, January 26, 2013

Introduction to the History Of Photojournalism

Photo By: Marcus Bleasdale
Image Source:

     Photojournalism is the images and photos that we take every single day from wars, weddings, happy/sad/angry moments, and using them to tell a story in a visual perspective. Just by looking at these images it all tells a story about whatever may have been going on at that present time or to the person or people in the image. As the saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words", and by looking at an image many can tell a story by just looking at an image. Photojournalism is all about telling a story to those who will see your images without having to write what was going on even though some may have some basic captions. 

Photo By: Tom Stoddart
Image Source:

Photojournalism is all about showing an individuals way of capturing, describing and explaining to others what words often fail to do.Sometimes it is hard to speak or write what you would like to say or do but an image will show and tell so much of what you would like to say but in a visual format. It can show an individual's personal feeling from pride, happiness, pain, hurt, depression and so much more feelings.

Photo By: Amelia Phillips
Image Source:

The importance of photojournalism has definitely grew and change as there years go by and it gives people information about what has or is happening in today's world. Each image that is posted tells a story and it also can summarize what was written or never written. The joys of photojournalism is that the picture tells a story of what has happened at that moment with not to much of editing and photo shopped images. In these times people can do so much with photos, add, change, edit, and do so much that it can truly change the story of what happened at the moment in time the picture was taken. But the positive aspect of photojournalism the images that are conveying this story or news or whatever it may be can spread worldwide to everyone thanks to technology.

Father & Son

Photo by: Yannis Kontos
Image Source: