Friday, February 15, 2013

The Art of Photojournalism


Photo By: Eadweard Muybridge
Image Source:
Year Created: 1887
Principle 1: Is this image black and white or color
How was this principle used?:  This image of is black and white as you can see and this is because during this time color photo was not invented as of yet.  
Principle 2: What feelings does the image create?
How was this principle used?:  This image captured my attention because it is interesting to see how photographers took photos many years ago. Also, there is numerous pictures of the gentleman in the photo doing different things and different poses. It basically looks like a play by play of each move he made and what he was about to do next which is very interesting.
Principle 3: Contrast appropriate
How was this principle used?:  In each photo some areas are lighter than others and then other parts are dark and it is due to the way they took photos during this time and what they used to take photos. In each photo part of the background  is dark and a few you may say one side is extremely bright. You cannot see this person's face to clearly but by the body language looks like they are happy and on there way somewhere.

Photo By: Ben Shahn
Image source:
Year Created: 1935

Principle 1: Is this image black and white or color?
How was this principle used?:  This image is clearly black and white and this was because it was photographer's choice at this point in time to use black and white photos. Also during this time color photos were pretty expensive and everyone was using black and white photos.
Principle 2: Background compliments or detracts from composition
How was this principle used?:  The background compliments the photo because it gives you a sense of where he is and what he is doing. Clearly we can see feet behind him so we know other people were there and he is sitting down on maybe a porch or some sort. 
Principle 3: What in the image helped to create that feeling?
How was this principle used?: The image grows on me because I am looking at an individual and I do not know what he is thinking and what he is doing. The more you look at the photo you think that he is looking at you and I am not to sure if it is a smirk on his face or not but it makes you keep looking.

 Photo By: Norman Jean Roy
Image Source:
Year: 2012

Principle 1: Quality of Light
How was this principle used?:  The light at the right is pretty bright reflecting on the dark colored dresses an bringing them to light in a sense. The dress closer to the window had this dark but purple highlight at the bottom of the dress and it looks stunning. But further to the left its a bit darker and then you have a bold red dress standing out and it is amazing.
Principle 2: Keep it Simple
How was this principle used?: The background is white and simple no form of clutter at all. It is simple because there are already four big flawless dresses and each of them on there own has a bold color. It would not make sense to clutter the background with the bold dresses already it would make it look like confusion and too much going on.
Principle 3: Obvious main subject, about 1/4 to 2/3 of image area:
How was this principle used?: They are four bold images in this photo and all four are taking up the whole space. If each of them were to be separated it would still look beautiful taking up its own space. Each model have on a bold dark dress and as a whole it looks absolute stunning the concept of the picture is to attract the viewers to each dress.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pre-Digital Photographic Technology


Photo By: Angelica Dixon

Based on the research of black and white roll film it was very famous many years ago and it is still relevant now but not as important as it once was. However, with technology constantly changing it seems as though black and white photos are making a serious return to the photography world. Eventually within the first years of photography roll black and white film made it possible a new kind of camera which was inexpensive, light and easy to operate. With this new kind of camera everyone had the opportunity to be a potential black and white photographer. Color in those days to develop were very expensive so black and white photos were very popular at that time. Everything that was printed or developed was in black and white because it was convenient and inexpensive. But compared to now and to show how times have changed color photos are actually cheaper than black and white photos.
However, with technology constantly changing black and white images are being used by photographers more often again. At some point, black and white images were not as popular when color images began surfacing and becoming more popular. But, you would always notice black and white photos were still being used by some photographer’s especially older photographers. However, photographers are shooting celebrities, magazines, birthdays, weddings, and many more in black and white it has resurfaced once again. In my opinion black and white photos have this very capturing unique look about them that captures the viewer.
Most of the information I have read many photographers believe that black and white roll film look smoother and more natural compared to digital photos. Another positive as well is that with film you can just delete an image and take it over like digital cameras so you get to keep the image but if you have an unhappy customer the negative is you have to throw out the whole roll of film. There are many positives to using black and white roll film compared to digital photos that we use thanks to technology. With black and white photos there is more love for the image because it takes time to develop and instead of 1000 digital photos to choose and edit you have a batch and its easier to deal with. 
Image source: my personal image
Photo By: Angelique Husbands

The black and white picture I have in my post looks very natural smooth and in the moment. The image looks like there is some type of story behind it and you can see the photo itself without worrying about the different colors that may be distracting. It looks like a piece of art basically.
The photo I took there are many colors going on and you can tell for sure it is not a professional photo. You are not concentrating on the art of the picture but whats going on or maybe what I have cropped and many more. It looks like he is just sitting there and not too much of a story behind it. 


Friday, February 1, 2013


Photo By: Unknown source
Image source:
Photography plays such a huge role in society and I strong believe that photography can change the world. Photographs are used to documents so many important moments in our lives from graduation, birth, marriage, family and much more. As far as the world photographs shows celebrities, legends, wars, the positive and the negative of the world that we live in. A photograph can affect so many people in so many ways and sometimes it can affect us in such a strong manner it can cause us as a whole (world) to change hopefully for the better and for some cases maybe for the worst.
Everyday all day in our society people are constantly taking pictures of there lives and posting on facebook, instagram, myspace, twitter, and many social sites which means they are hundreds of people viewing this images and passing it around. However, some of the photographs make headline news and it caused the whole world to react and usually when the world is involved this photograph has a significant impact on everyone.  Once upon a time it was all about drawing with pencils and crayons to make photographs and painting as well but now you just post an image add some effects and that is it.
Photographs are used every single day and it is not an image anymore it affect how we view people, ourselves, others, and everything around us. One photograph can make the world change there beliefs, start wars, change laws, protest, and most positive of all bring unity among millions of people.

Photo By: Tom Strongman
Image Source:

This image is a beautiful picture and I am sure it made some people smile and many can form there own conclusions from the picture. However I do not believe this picture affected the world or myself personally. But it is nice to see that despite her not having her usual smile she has made humor about it and it is a very nice photo.