Friday, February 1, 2013


Photo By: Unknown source
Image source:
Photography plays such a huge role in society and I strong believe that photography can change the world. Photographs are used to documents so many important moments in our lives from graduation, birth, marriage, family and much more. As far as the world photographs shows celebrities, legends, wars, the positive and the negative of the world that we live in. A photograph can affect so many people in so many ways and sometimes it can affect us in such a strong manner it can cause us as a whole (world) to change hopefully for the better and for some cases maybe for the worst.
Everyday all day in our society people are constantly taking pictures of there lives and posting on facebook, instagram, myspace, twitter, and many social sites which means they are hundreds of people viewing this images and passing it around. However, some of the photographs make headline news and it caused the whole world to react and usually when the world is involved this photograph has a significant impact on everyone.  Once upon a time it was all about drawing with pencils and crayons to make photographs and painting as well but now you just post an image add some effects and that is it.
Photographs are used every single day and it is not an image anymore it affect how we view people, ourselves, others, and everything around us. One photograph can make the world change there beliefs, start wars, change laws, protest, and most positive of all bring unity among millions of people.

Photo By: Tom Strongman
Image Source:

This image is a beautiful picture and I am sure it made some people smile and many can form there own conclusions from the picture. However I do not believe this picture affected the world or myself personally. But it is nice to see that despite her not having her usual smile she has made humor about it and it is a very nice photo.

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