Monday, March 4, 2013

Working in the Digital Age


A blog is a site in which a person or people can record information, voice opinions, gain information and much more. Blogs are what is used regular on a daily basis and information is constantly being updated. Many celebrities used blogs to speak on personal life, speak on issues, and respond to others as well in which it could be positive or negative. Blogs are used to speak on issues in the world or about people and the world can read these blogs which spread like wildfire which means information is spreading as well. Photojournalists use blogs to post numerous pictures and information about what they have done in there career. Regular everyday people use blogs well for personal use whether about their life, hobbies, new jobs or whatever it may be. 
In the past photojournalist had to develop there images using black and white roll film which took time for pictures to be processed and developed. After that photojournalist would then use a specific image and information needed to post an article in a newspaper. During the early years of black and white roll film and a photojournalists was writing an article he or she was the one who wrote, edited, printed and sold their papers all by themselves. By technology has changed tremendously since then and blogs has become very important in the 21st century making everyone basically a journalist. Blogs is all about posts, social views, page views, feeds and much more compared to how it was years ago. By a click of a button you can publish any information and share it with the world and it probably is harder to differentiate journalists from everyday people. Blogs are more of having conversation with the world and less of being a lecture like it was in the early 1800s when technology was not as advanced. Newspapers still are printed in black and white however color is a part of it as well and more information is included in these papers. Instead of using black and white roll film and waiting for pictures to be developed before you wrote your article, thanks to technology you can easily upload your images on the internet and share them with the world. Instead of a photojournalist taking time to use black and white roll film and develop images, write an article, gather all information as needed most are just posting on blogs and calling it a day because it is easier and convenient. 

Photo by: Superstock/Getty

Technology has affected journalism in a very huge way the positive being a journalists can post all their work online (blogs) and quickly share it with the world. They can interact with readers and other journalists and have more of a conversation on blogs instead of giving information and letting readers know what is going on in the world. Newspapers has developed extremely as well and journalist just have a section or article in a newspaper, however there is still an editor, publisher and more before the information is printed in the newspaper. 

Photo by: Unknown source

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